Sunday, May 23, 2010

Nap Time

Steve and I ARE the essence of parenthood. Corvin and Mazzie are perfect. They hit all of their milestones exactly at the right time. Their teeth come in at the right time. They eat perfectly and they sleep perfectly. Please enjoy the following brief videos in which Corvin, then Mazzie, demonstrates perfect napping technique.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

7 Months Old Today

Here Corvin and Mazzie are on their seven month birthday in t shirts that I made for them while they still had lives of their own in my tummy. Kara and I took these photos. Thanks, Kara!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

My Happy Mother's Day

A sunny Spring day. Pancakes and eggs for breakfast. A nap time walk with Peanut Butter and Mazzie that turned into a two hour outing with the entire family. An evening barbecue with friends. Steve, thanks for being a terrific husband who makes such great days possible.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Happy Birthdays, Siri and Jade Star

I found this wonderful news in my inbox yesterday morning in a message from my brother:

Siri Corinne Lackey—Siri is short for Sigrid—was born this morning (Friday, May 7) at 5:49. She is 7 lbs, 13 oz and ~19 inches (47.5 cm) long. Hair is black like mine. Hilary and Baby are both doing very well. I should point out that I am 36 years old today—what a wonderful birthday present!

Siri Sleeping in Her Isolette after a Hard Night's Work

Finn, Hilary and Siri - Finn got the sister he wanted! (Jade Star and Hilary didn't learn Siri's gender until the birth.)

Proud Papa - Boy, that Siri can sleep!

My, she's cute!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Sitting, Bathing, Eating

Color Coordinated with the Bookshelf in the Background

Bathing in the WashPod

I thought it'd be fun to show pics of Corvin and Mazzie from January and from tonight. Before and after. And yes, the lighting was much nicer in the January pictures.

Corvin Bathing Tonight
Corvin Bathing in January

Mazzie Bathing Tonight
Mazzie Bathing in January

Eating with a Spoon
Since there has been some curiosity about Mazzie eating with a spoon, I'm including the following video, which isn't for the faint of heart; if babies covered in food makes you squeamish, you may want to skip this one. Or you can just look at the bathing pictures after you view the video to feel better.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Oatmeal and Peanut Butter

I took the first photograph (of the tree) on the first morning that I returned to work. I am working 20 hours per week with the housing market research firm that I worked with previously. I'm very excited to have my toe back in the water again, but still have plenty of time with Corvin and Mazzie. Especially when they are so rapidly growing and changing. Mazzie feeds herself with a spoon and drinks water from a full-size glass. Corvin is working on his belly crawl (very little forward motion, but he puts tremendous effort into it).

Enjoy the videos of Mazzie with Peanut Butter and Corvin with oatmeal!


Corvin and Oatmeal

Mazzie and Peanut Butter