Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Father's Day

Happy Father's Day dads everywhere! (Jade Star and Charlie, I'm thinking of you two this Father's Day and hoping you enjoyed today with your little ones.)

Steve just celebrated his first Father's Day complete with babies, Father's Day cards, a trip to Chatfield Reservoir State Park, and his choice of dinner. Two day shipping didn't get his gift here on time, but we've all enjoyed the gift of a five-day visit from Steve's mom. What better gift is there than watching your flesh and blood love and interact with your children? Thanks for everything, Mary Ellen!

Steve, you're an awesome dad! Happy day!

Friday, June 4, 2010

Recent Activity

The video below is from last night. We're so lucky to be able to preserve these sweet moments so easily, huh? We got the idea of the beans/perscription bottle rattle from one of Steve's coworkers. As you can see, they love it.

Steve, Mazzie, and Corvin in Estes Park Over Memorial Day Weekend