I am almost caught up with all of the posting that I wanted to do. Phew! I promised a friend that I would include a little update on Corvin and Mazzie in this post, so here it is:
A few of their spoken words: done, all done, up, down, dog, E-I-E-I-O, zoo, ABC (Mazzie), Zizzer Zazzer Zuzz (ask Dr. Suess), night night, various animal sounds, hi, hey, one two three (Corvin), out, eat, bye bye, banana, juice, nose, eye, mouth etc
What they do for entertainment:
They are really enjoying books now.
We've had a warm spell, so they have enjoyed playing in the back yard, where they like to play with rocks and sand and to swing and to throw balls to Peanut Butter and play with the pink flamingos and so on.
They both like to watch me cook, but Corvin especially.
They are taking their first swim lessons.
They both can go down a 5' slide on their own top to botton, no help.
Corvin scoots on his but down the stairs.
Mazzie really enjoys sorting things.
When things get spilled on the floor, Mazzie runs to the kitchen and gets the dish towel, then dabs up the mess.
Mazzie also loves her belly button and likes to show it to others.
Corvin likes to put cheddar bunnies (cheese crackers) down the floor grate.
Mazzie is learning colors.