Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!

Oo - oo - oo - oo - oo,
'Tis the night of Halloween,

Oo - oo - oo - oo - oo,
When such funny things are seen,

Oo - oo - oo - oo - oo,
Witches, black cats, goblins, too,

Oo - oo - oo - oo - oo,
They will try to frighten you,

Oo - oo - oo - oo - oo,



A very Happy Halloween to you.

-from Crystal, Steve, and Peanut Butter Wolf!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I had 600 kids come to my house trick or treating. I am always prepared with lots of candy. Maureen Lackey