Wednesday, December 10, 2008

A Snowy Walk

In a while I will put on some boots
and step out like someone walking in water,

and the dog will porpoise through the drifts,

and I will shake a laden branch,

sending a cold shower down on us both.

-Billy Collins, Snow Day

Yesterday, I was bringing PB for a walk in the virgin snow and she charged over to her doggy friends, Oden and Isaac's back yard. Odin came running out and I heard, Chad the human male in the household, shoveling snow. Christina, his wife, soon came out with Isaac and a puppyfest was underway. We decided to take the dogs for a walk together in the open space. The thermometer in our yard says its 68F. It's on a post in the sunshine, but it is warm and the snow is vanishing quickly.

(L to R clockwise) Isac, Christina, Odin and Peanut Butter

Looks like a wolf cub chasing a fox, huh?

1 comment:

Tam Tam said...

All the Doggies are SO very Happy & Lucky !!