Corvin and Mazzie slept through the night while Steve and I drove. Here we are at a scenic viewing area for Black Dragon Canyon in Utah at about 6:30AM.

We stopped at the half way point between our home and my brother Jade Star's home: Richfield, Utah. We spent the day resting at a hotel and Corvin and Mazzie swam in a pool for the first time. (Neither Steve nor I is thrilled with our bathing suit bodies, but it's all about the babies, right?)

Early Sunday morning, we arrived in Claremont, CA, where Uncle Jade Star, Aunt Hilary and Counsins Finn and Siri live. They live in a beautiful area and we got out for a number of walks, but the real focus of our time was letting the cousins all meet each other for the first time.

Don't you think Mazzie looks like Finn's doll baby Chocolate Chicken?

In addition to meeting their cousins, Mazzie and Corvin got to meet Willow, Claire and Charlie again. Remember Willow? The first picture was taken at our house in November when Willow was three months old and Mazzie and Corvin were almost one month old. The second picture was taken in Claire and Charlie's back yard in Sherman Oaks, CA.

We went to Griffith Observatory. You can see the Hollywood sign from the grounds.

We kept hearing people say, "Oh my god! That's so cute! She's waving." Mazzie was waving to passers by while Steve pushed the stroller around at Griffith.

On Friday, Charlie took the day off from work and played tour guide. We went to Malibu via Topanga Canyon. We had lunch at a restaurant with a great ocean view, then spent a little time at Malibu Lagoon State Beach - - Corvin and Mazzie's first time at the ocean.

Thank you Jade Star, Hilary, Claire, Charlie and little people for a great time!
Oh, here's a little reward for those of you who read to the end of the blog: Corvin has two teeth now visible if not fully in, and Mazzie has started to crawl and is working hard on standing up on her own.
sounds like a great vacation! They are getting so big! We really need to get together before they graduate from high school. Hahaha
It was great seeing you all!
I need to digitize my pics and send them to you as well.
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