Today (Saturday), I had to go to Fort Collins to do a location analysis for a market study that my firm is working on. We decided to make it a family affair, and after the work portion of the day was through we went to The Farm. I think the pictures pretty much speak for themselves. My parents had ducks and geese and chickens when I was young (we also had a goat and a horse when I was a tween) and Steve grew up across the road from a farm (which has been converted to a McSubdivision). Covin and Mazzie don't have easy farm animal access though, so this was their first encounter with many of these animals. After so many recitations of Old McDonald's Farm and other farm toys, books and songs, it's about time! If I lived in Fort Collins I would get an annual pass and take the kids there every day. So cool!

I had to share this photo, too, which was taken on the way home tonight. A lot is going on in this photo. Extreme weather, beautiful mountains, and off to the far right of the picture in the foothills - - if you look very closely - - smoke from a fire caused by a car engulfed in flames and a related grass fire, which I now know (from reading the Boulder Daily Camera website) hadn't been reported at the time that we noticed it and took this picture. Oops! Next time we see something like this we will plan to report it. A happy ending: the fire has been put out.
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