Tuesday, December 20, 2011

'Tis the Season

Some silly evidence of Corvin and Mazzie... Corvin and Mazzie's nanny is due to have her baby any day now, so I have been home with them for two weeks now as we are in childcare transition.

We are making a few visits to the daycare that they will start to attend after the holidays to warm them up to it. They made these Santas during our first visit. (Mazzie's  Santa is on the left and Corvin's is on the right.) Corvin is still warming up to the daycare environment, though he did warm up and played away from me for about 20 minutes towards the end of our visit. Mazzie charged in and took over the place, but then needed to be held for about an hour straight once she was home.

Corvin and Mazzie helped me make cookies for the tree. The odd-shaped ornament is the head of a cookie that was a man. I don't quite know how it came to be beheaded (or bebodied??), since Corvin isn't tall enough to reach it. I say Corvin, rather than Mazzie, because he is the Cookie Monster in our house. Mazzie gets a cookie, takes a bite or two (or maybe just a lick) and is done.This is the last cookie on our tree.

Hope all the traditions of the holiday are creating merriment in your part of the world, too!