Friday, November 26, 2010

Your Dose of Corvin and Mazzie

In case you have been missing your semi-regular dose of Corvin and Mazzie, fear not. Here it is. Here are a few recent episodes. My apologies for the long delay between posts. Mommy needed a break. But . . . I'm back!

Also, while we were in Connecticut in October - 1st birthday, pumpkin patch, fall leaves - I posted to the Daily Camel, but didn't forward it to my usual list. (Sorry, I didn't have access to my forwarding list.) So if you want to catch up on Corvin and Mazzie's fall adventures, you can look through a few recent posts.

Hope everyone is having a pleasant start to the holiday season. We are.

Denver Botanic Gardens

Cooler Than Cool
Mazzie in her fabulous pants and her super cool birthday onesie from Claire/Charlie/Willow

Corvin Sunlit in High Chair- Series of Three

Mazzie in Sunlight

A Case of the Pre-Bed Time Sillies
And finally, by special request (a couple of requests, actually) here is a video that shows Corvin walking. He actually is walking significantly better today than when this footage was taken last night. They change so quickly!


Anonymous said...

Hi Crystal,

They're getting so big! I hope I see you guys sometime before they are all grown up.


N said...

Holy cannoli! They seem too small to be able to walk yet. I know they aren't, but it just seems like they are growing so fast!